Wednesday, July 13, 2011

5 Random Thoughts

1. I am teaching at this wonderful organization. Browse the menu of writing courses to see if anything sparks your interest. I am teaching a 1-day course titled, "Imagination Vacation," as well as co-teaching a longer novel writing workshop.

2. Happened to catch Jennifer Aniston on the James Lipton show earlier this week. I was so struck by her discomfort. She was constantly tugging on her hair, answering long questions with awkward one-word bites and making faces that expressed such sadness. Did anyone else happen to see this? What up with her?

3. You know you're living in L.A. when you've been invited to three "carmaggedon" parties. For the abroad readers: The 405 Freeway, a main driving artery, is being shut down this weekend for major construction. According to the media this is going to disrupt L.A. like no other. We'll see how it all plays out...

4. Many, many Canadian cousins visiting this month, eh?

5. Preliminary plans underway for the "25-years since we met" college party. I'm not sure when I became a reunion organizer, but I suppose I named this blog "Connections Clark" for a reason.

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